2019 “Nikolay Binev” Youth Theatre | 02 June, 19:00-20:30
Compagnia Teatropersona | Sardegna Teatro – Italy


by Alessandro Serra

based on motives from “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare

Director, set, light and costumes: Alessandro Serra

Translation into Sardinian and language advisor: Giovanni Carroni

Collaborator for movements on stage: Chiara Michelini

Music sounding stones by Pinuccio Sciola

Sounding stones compositions by Marcellino Garau

Supported by Fondazione Pinuccio Sciola and Cedac Circuito Regionale Sardegna

Fulvio Accogli, Andrea Bartolomeo, Leonardo Capuano, Andrea Carroni, Giovanni Carroni, Maurizio Giordo, Stefano Mereu, Felice Montervino


An extraordinary and original stage reading of William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy. In Alessandro Serra’s performance the setting is moved from the Kingdom of Scotland amid the carnival culture and rituals of the inhabitants of the Italian island of Sardinia. True to the spirit of Elizabethan theatre men are cast in all roles in the performance. The original text is translated into Sardinian dialect whose music and sound start to ring as if coming from other times and out of the depths of human soul. The performance works, with exceptional precision, with the captivating power of gesture, image, voice and adds to them sounds of natural elements.

The performance has been highly praised by Italy’s audience and critics. It has won the prestigious 2017 UBU Award for best performance and the Award of the Association of Italian Theatre Critics. It has been successfully presented at various international forums and won the Golden Laurels for best director at the MESS Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Alessandro Serra started his career in theatre by stage adaptations of Ingmar Bergman’s films. He studied martial arts and acting following the methods of Jerzy Grotowski and Vsevolod Meyerhold who lay an emphasis on physical action and voice work. He graduated in Theatre Research from La Sapienza University of Rome by defending a dissertation on the dramaturgy of the image. In 1999, he founded the Teatropersona company and has been working with it to create his performances in which he assumes the roles of author, director, set and costume designer. Teatropersona’s performances have been staged many times in Italy and all over the world: in France, Switzerland, Russia, Poland, Korea, etc., with a forthcoming participation in this year’s Venice Biennale for theatre.

With Bulgarian and English surtitles.

The guest-performance is supported by Instituto Italiano di Cultura, Sofia.

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Tickets Price: 15, 12, 10, 8 BGN Duration: 90 min

GALLERY    Photo: Alessandro Serra

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