images and films: Pippo Delbono lights Robert John Resteghini
sound: Giulio Antognini
light and video: Orlando Bolognesi
music by: Enzo Avitabile and Deep Purple, Miles Davis, Philip Glass, Victor Démé, Joan Baez, Nino Rota, Angélique Ionatos, Wim Mertens, Pietro Mascagni
production: Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Teatro di Roma, Nuova Scena – Arena del Sole – Teatro Stabile di Bologna, Théâtre du Rond Point – Parigi, Maison de la Culture d’Amiens – Centre de Création et de Production.
“The orchid is the most beautiful flower and the most wicked as well, a friend once told me, because you cannot tell the real one from it’s fake. The same is true of our time. In Orchids, as in all my shows, there is an attempt to stop the time I’m living through. To stop my time and that of my company, the people who’ve been with me many years now, but also the time we all are living in – Italians, Europeans, citizens of the world” writes Pippo Delbono, one of Italy’s most unusual theatre makers, collaborator of German choreographer Pina Bausch in the `70s. His newest production “Orchids” is a deeply spiritual exploration of the sense of loss and reflections on the flow of life. The personal experience is reflected by quotations from world literature, cinema and photography. Images and words, gestures, music and space come together to create an overwhelming emotional impact.
The presentation in Bulgaria is supported by the Italian Cultural Institute-Sofia.
Thanks to Cinémathèque suisse Lausanne and Touhami Ennadre.