2018 Cinema House | 09 June, 18.00-22.15
07 July , 16:00
Red Torch Theatre, Novosibirsk, Russia | SCREENING


By A. P. Chekhov

Directed by Timofey Kulyabin

Set Design  Oleg Golovko

Lighting Designer Denis Solntsev

Assistant director Natalya Yarushkina

Cast Konstantin Telegin, Ilya Musyco, Anton Voynalovich, Clavdia Kachusova, Irina Krivonos, Linda Akhmetzyanova, Daria Yemelyanova, Denis Frank, Alexey Mezhov, Pavel Polyakov, Andrey Chernykh, Sergey Bogomolov, Sergey Novikov, Elena Drinevskaya

Distributed by Stage Russia

Beguiling beauty and unbelievable intensity. Kurier, Austria

32-year old director Timofey Kulyabin has been called the “prodigy” of new Russian theatre. Now he is the artistic director of the theatre in Novosibirsk where he stages Chekhov’s classic “The Three Sisters” in a way that draws spectators into an entirely novel experience and manner of understanding.

A black comedy, a psychological drama, a thriller – the four acts of the play turn into a true parade of genres. To leave provincial wilderness, to serve science, to work! Everyone in the Prozorov family, whose original setting has been moved to the present day, is in pursuit of happiness. But this common impulse engenders a tragedy that the characters in this performance are unable to comprehend until the very end – and it is not only because they cannot hear each other. This is precisely what the director’s main move is all about: all actors perform their roles in a sign language all the time. The performance is constructed as a choreographic and musical score with gestures and sound, thus adding extraordinary intensity and depth to its reception. The sensational and beautiful performance has already been presented at the big European festivals in Vienna, Paris, Sibiu, Athens a.o.

Golden Mask Award 2017 for best ensemble

The performance is in Russian sign language with English and Bulgarian subtitles.  

Tickets online: here

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Tickets Price: 15/ 10 BGN Duration: 255 min. (with 2 intermissions)


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