Boyan Papazov is the scriptwriter of one of the most popular Bulgarian movies (“All is love” and others) and his playwriting is noted for the specific choice of subjects and characters from the margins of society. “Demon Sale” is Papazov’s second creative meeting with the director Krikor Azaryan after “Worshipping Fleas” (selection “Varna Summer” 2001) in a colourful and intense performance. Around the research on the kardarash-gypsies which a young Bulgarian student is doing for an American university, a real criminal story evolves and brings out some of the most burning issues of today’s cultural identity, hybridity and tolerance. Boyan Papazov’s play “Demon sale” is awarded with “Askeer” 2005 for best text for theatre.
To me this performance is a last tango with the beautiful illusion of the possible ethnic harmony.
Krikor Azaryan
Boyan Papazov’s Demon sale touches on the fix-idea about self-identity, which appeared after the Cold war… The gypsies are the others par excellance. If they did not exist – they would be invented…
Andrea Koschwitz, “Theatre heute” – Germany