The theatrical crime comedy “Exceptional Dunces” is inspired by the famous Italian film “I soliti ignoti” directed by Mario Monicelli and nominated for an Academy Award in 1958. A feckless athlete, a failed lawyer, an untalented Sicilian mafioso – these are just some of the group of clumsy robbers who attempt to break in a pawnshop. They are strikingly unprofessional and perfectly unsuitable for the job they have undertaken. In addition to making quick money they want to become famous, which is in flat contradiction to the nature of their “occupation.” Simultaneously with the heist two love stories are born… The performance is yet another demonstration of the ingenuity of Stephan Moskov’s playful theatre in a series of gags and wordplays and with their invariable sense of the comical the actors manage to amusingly bring out the most vivid and typical features of these amazingly unfortunate characters.
IKAR 2018 Award for Best actor in a supporting role (Yavor Baharov)
Askeer 2018 Award Nomination for Best actor in a supporting role (Yavor Baharov)