This unusual documentary theatre piece takes place over a month, in the midst of the pandemic lockdown in Budapest. Suffering from an identity crisis, 35-year-old director and actor László Göndör decided to move in with his 97-year-old grandmother and document their time together. Éva Katona survived the Shoah and enjoyed the admiration and love of her family and friends and their idealization of her. Under the strange circumstances of the pandemic, grandmother and grandson try to comprehend each other’s pain and trauma and understand their deep love for each other.
During their days together, Grandma’s apartment gradually turns into a stage on which an unusual celebration takes place: “Delicacies and fine champagne appear as if out of nowhere, expensive jewels appear here and there, the singing of a mysterious man can be heard from afar, the Virgin Mary shines on the shelf next to Lenin, crows fly outside, the first snow falls, and for some reason, we are wearing face masks.” The production is a fragile, lyrical duet of human beings: László is physically present on stage; we get to know Éva through audiovisual recordings. Every performance is a moment when they can be together – again and for the last time.
László Göndör is a theatre director, playwright, and theatre and film actor. He studied applied economics in Budapest and later studied acting, dance, and directing in the United States, Indonesia, and Hungary. He has performed dozens of roles as a theatre actor and performer since 2014. His first theatrе performance, the neo-Dadaist opera BajuSS, was nominated for the 2018 Hungarian Theatre Critics Association Award for Best Musical Entertainment Performance. In 2020, he won the Staféta (Relay) Award, a program to support the most promising young emerging Hungarian theatre artists. He is particularly interested in expanding the concept of one-person shows in innovative, self-reflective manners and blending trash aesthetics with conventional beauty.
Szemle Plusz Award for best independent theatre performance, 2023
Péter Halász Award for best innovative theatre performance in Hungary, 2022
Winner of Staféta Audience Award for best independent theater show of 2019-2022 in Hungary
Nomination for ‘Best Independent Performance Award’ by the Guild of Hungarian Theater Critics, 2022
In Hungarian with Bulgarian and English surtitles.
The guest-performance is supported by the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Sofia.