2008 | Main programme - International selection Drama Theatre - Second Stage | 09 June, 20.30


by Nataša Rajković and Bobo Jelčić
directed by Nataša Rajković and Bobo Jelčić
light design: Aleksandar Cavlek

Ksenija Marinkovic, Jadranka Dokic, Kresimir Mikic, Niksa Butijer

On the Other Side is a play dealing with the lives of four lonely people and their attempts to tell their stories to the audience.  The scenic action in this funny tragicomedy appears to capture the rhythm of the daily life and the four actors build up extremely realistic characters, in which they bring in traces of their own life and experiences. Natasa Rajkovic and Bobo Jelcic are in quest for the point where reality and fiction meet and merge to be one and the same thing. Their performance challenges the borders of theatre conventions looking for ways to examine fragments from real life and set them on the stage without their authenticity to be lost.

Bobo Jelcic studied Directing and Natasa Rajkovic – Philosophy and Comparative Theory of Literature. They have been working together in theatre since 1993. Since 1997, they have worked on developing their own style and theatrical method. Their first project as authors was the play Observations (Promatranja). Without previously assigned pattern, the play was created during the work with actors, using the life stories of the participants. They apply this method of work to their next piece Slowdowns (Usporavanja) and develop it further in An Uncertain Story (Nesigurna prica). The play brings them an international success. At the Festival of New Drama FIND
at the Berliner Schaubuhne the play was included among the five most significant contemporary dramas in Europe. With On the Other Side they again attract the attention of the international theatre festivals with participations in Divadelna Nitra (Slovakia), MESS (Sarjevo) and others. It has won many awards, including: 46th MESS, Sarajevo, 2006 – award for best young actor (Kresimir Mikic) 17th Marulic Days, Split, 2007 – special jury award for drama material to Natasa Rajkovic and Bobo Jelcic, Marulic award for best actress (Ksenija Marinkovic), best actor (Niksa Butijer) 14th International Festival of small scenes, Rijeka, 2007 – Veljko Maricic Award for best actress (Ksenija Marinkovic) and for dramaturgy.


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