Haunting voices of the future …
We dream of a sky above the sky …
Is man’s dream of reaching distant planets just a utopia or can it become a real anti-utopia? The loner Castor, an inhabitant of a desolate colony of an exoplanet in near space, receives an embarrassing message from himself with precise instructions on how to prevent his impending death. Faced with the abyss of his unknown future, Castor plunges into an urgent investigation of his equally unknown past, which challenges his identity and lures him into the hidden sides of his own person.
“Portraits of the Unknown” is a musical, dramatic and visual experience of the category of the “human” – between the vast cosmos and the existential microcosm.
Via Fest Foundation presents the premiere of its production within the Intermezzo programme of Varna Summer International Theater Festival and Varna Summer International Music Festival 2021.
This project is realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture.