Международната асоциация на театралните критици с уъркшоп във Варна

Между 4 и 9 юни театралният фестивал „Варненско лято“ отново е домакин на уъркшоп за млади театрални критици (от 18 до 35 години), провеждан регулярно в различни държави от Международната асоциация на театралните критици с изтъкнати професионалисти. Работните езици са английски и френски. Водещ на англоезичната група ще бъде Иван Меденица (Сърбия), а на френскоезичната Жан-Пиер Хан (Франция). Тук можете да намерите отворената покана за участие на английски език. Краен срок за кандидатстване: 12 май.

The AICT proposes a workshop for young theater critics to be held from June 4 to June 9, 2023 (arrival on June 4, departure on June 9) in Varna, Bulgaria, thanks to the hosting and support of the International Theatre Festival “Varna Summer” (www.viafest.org) . You can now, as soon as possible, apply for one of the 20 places offered, 10 for the French language group and 10 for the English language group. You must be a professional critic and be between 18 and 35 years old. All applicants are invited to send their application form, along with a brief CV (just one page!), 2 or 3 examples of articles published in the press and a letter of recommendation from the head of their country’s IACT/IATC section (if their country has an IACT national section or is part of a regional section). All of these documents should be sent in a single PDF file, if possible. Please note the following:

  1. Applicants should send in their applications, not IACT/IATC Section officers.
  2. Make sure you have good verbal skills in English and/or French.
  3. You must of course fill out the application form.

You will be accommodated in a double room, and will be given per diems according to Bulgarian standarts. You will be given a pass allowing you free admission to all the shows and meetings that will take place during the Festival. The festival organizers will pick you up at the train station or airport.

The monitors are, for the English language group: Ivan Medenica (Serbia), for the French language group: Jean-Pierre Han (France).

Applications will be accepted until May 12, 2023, and should be sent to the training course director, Jean-Pierre Han: jp.han@free.fr.

A final list with all selected participants will be announced as soon as possible, so that everyone can make their travel arrangements, and obtain a visa for Bulgaria if necessary.


Проектът се осъществява съвместно с фондация „Хомо луденс“ с подкрепата на Национален фонд „Култура“, „Програма за възстановяване и развитие на частни културни организации“.

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