2008 | Main programme - International selection | 05 June, 22.00


set design and music: Maarten van Otterdijk
final coaching: Maartje Remmers, Wine Dierickx
text, concept: Wunderbaum
cast: Matijs Jansen, Walter Bart
venue: club “Comics”

part of SEAS COASTAL Programme in partnership with Intercult, Sweden

Two European blokes come to simply celebrate their well-earned holidays! Cheap beer and airplane fares has lured them to the Black Sea. They are wearing football shirts. Come and watch them empty their glasses. Listen to their boozy talk and dirty songs. Beer tourist is a performance on the schizophrenic European identity. We are showing two representatives of the European middle-class budget tourist who, thanks to the general welfare and the economic bloom in the central European countries, are able to travel around the world. They choose to travel to the cheapest destinations, assuming that these countries desperately want to connect to the EU – to them. The former working class hero is passing judgement on the extent the new and future EU-members have civilised. Wunderbaum is a travelling, nomadic theatre company of five actors, a designer and an editor. Wunderbaum doesn’t work with a director. They find their inspiration in contemporary, actual, political themes and subjects they read about in the newspaper. Such as: aggression in society, asylum seekers, the rise and fall of Berlusconi, the advance of religion and Christianity, the connection between economy and the discourse of love.


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