A masterly one-man show, directed by the winner of the Europe Theatre Prize “New Theatrical Realities” 2016
Theatrical reincarnations of N.V. Gogol’s unusual novelette “Diary of a Madman” require virtuoso actors. This time the civil servant Poprishchin, who gradually loses his mind, is impersonated by Tamás Keresztes. This is not the first time for him to perform a part in a production, directed by one of the most distinguished figures in the contemporary Hungarian and European theatre – Viktor Bodó. His production after F. Kafka’s “The Trial” entitled “Rattledanddisappeared’ (2005) brought him international recognition also due to the remarkable acting of Keresztes. In “The Diary of a Madman” the actor is also the designer of the set. The set is reminiscent of Van Gogh’s style with its deformed perspective. It reflects the perturbed consciousness of the character with his loss of touch with reality. It is enhanced also by the unusual soundscape created live by the actor. Are we mad or is the world insane? – the questions raised by Gogol’s story written in 1834 are still relevant today, in 2017.
Currently Viktor Bodó works as a theatre and film director between Hungary, Austria and Germany. In 2016 he was awarded the Europe Theatre Prize “New Theatrical Realities”.
„It is stirring, it is savage and it is heartbreaking and even comical. It is the higher school of acting.” Art7.hu Művészeti Portál