2017 | Parallel programme City Art Gallery “Boris Georgiev” | 10 June, 17.00
University Theatre, New Bulgarian University


Author: Carlo Goldoni

Staging: Dessilava Shpatova
Process leader and dramaturge: Ass. Prof. Snezhina Petrova
Music: Ass. Prof. Georgi Arnaudov, PhD
Stage art installation: Dessislava Morozova

students, lecturers and PhD students at Theatre Department, NBU: Daria Mitusheva, Hristiyana Stoimenova, Natali Yordanova, Anita Ivanova, Elena Manolova, Viktoria Kirilova, Galin Velikov, Lachezar Doynov, Artyom Anatolievich, Nedislav Dragnev, Nikolay Markov With the special participation of Ass. Assya Ivanova, PhD

Undergraduate and PhD students and teachers from the Theatre Department stage a contemporary version of Carlo Goldoni’s classical text “Gl’Innamorati”. They tell the story of love as a story of human imperfection. Directed by Desislava Shpatova and in the set design in the form of an installation made by Desislava Morozova this banal topic gets unexpected and shocking contemporary interpretation.

This project is carried out with the financial support of the Central Fund for Strategic Development and Curricula Fund at the School of General Studies and the School of Undergraduate Studies of New Bulgarian University.



Tickets Price: 7, 5 BGN Duration: 90 min.


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