2017 | Showcase programme State Puppet Theatre – Varna | 06 June, 22.00
SubHuman Theatre – Sofia, Bulgaria


performative automatic system (PAS)

Author,  technical realization and performance: Venelin Shurelov

mechanics: Borislav Tone


Venelin Shurelov is a Bulgarian multimedia artist and set designer of international recognition. In “Rotor” he continues his interest in the interaction of body and technology. Here he wants to tell a story of his own. To that end Shurelov builds a special facility in front of the audience: a complex kinetic electrical mechanism. Then comes the unexpected and somehow ironic climax when the artist’s body merges with the structure and heads off to the orbit of a fictional world. “Rotor” was presented in the prestigious center for digital arts Ars Electronica Center – Deep Space in Linz, Austria.

Ikar 2017 Award nomination for Contemporary Dance and Performance

The performance is realized in the frame of the Project Mobile Studios – Interdisciplinary Platform for Contemporary Visual and Performing Arts with the financial support of Programme BG08 “Cultural  Heritage and Contemporary Arts” under FM EES 2009-2014.  The Programme BG08 is financed through the financial mechanism of the European Economic Space.

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Tickets Price: Combi ticket with "SKINS": 7, 5 BGN Duration: 30 min.

GALLERY    Photo: Михаела Кавданска

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