2017 | Main programme - International selection City Art Gallery “Boris Georgiev” | 06 June, 17:00 - 21:00
SATELLITES interactive performance-installation
Post Theater (Germany) / SubHuman Theatre (Bulgaria)

SATELLITES interactive performance-installation

Production: Max Schumacher, Venelin Shurelov
Text: Max Schumacher, Venelin Shurelov
Media art: Yoan Trellu, Venelin Shurelov
Sound environment, music: Sibin Vassilev
Costume design: Elitza Georgieva
Stage design: Max Schumacher, Venelin Shurelov
Production management: Mario Stumpfe (artkrise)

Starting every 15 min. upon reservation only. Each performance is only for two persons.

A sci-fi experience about space beyond East and West.

At the end of the 1980s, a cosmonaut from Bulgaria and an astronaut from West Germany was sent to a secret international mission in space. Almost 30 years later, they are still in the space station, forgotten by the world, surviving by hibernation. When they wake up in 2017, something is different… Two innovative theatrical formations in the field of new media from Germany and Bulgaria combine for the first time science fiction, tragedy and irony, remarkably mixing a theatrical experience and media arts. Because one world is not enough.

In English.

Free entrance.


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