2020 | Showcase programme Digital edition | 05 December, 18:00
Varna Summer ITF Presents: Javor Gardev

Varna Summer ITF Presents: Javor Gardev

Asen Terziev, main coordinator of Varna Summer ITF, presents theatre director Javor Gardev

Varna Summer ITF Presents… is a series of videos featuring theatre makers and artists with strong voice in Bulgarian theatre whom Varna Summer International Theatre Festival has collaborated with in the course of the years. All the videos are provided with English subtitles.

Javor Gardev (born 1972, Sofia) holds a MAPhil degree in Philosophy from Sofia University, and M.F.A. degree in Theatre Directing from the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts. One of the foremost directors of his native Bulgaria, he has staged over forty-five performances, in his home country and abroad, which were presented in Sofia, Berlin, Paris, Lille, Bern, Gdansk, Moscow, St.Petersburg, Lisbon, Skopje, Rotterdam, and Utrecht, to name a few. His works have been frequently selected in Varna Summer ITF programme. Javor Gardev’s works, even those with a deceptively simple set-up, invariably possess a multi- layered reflectiveness. His artistic language is unconventional and continuously innovative. Besides his prolific theatre work, Javor Gardev has directed several radio-drama features and authored performance art and video art works. His feature film debut Zift won nineteen domestic and international awards and special mentions.

GALLERY    Photo: Светослав Караджов

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